Luca Bosurgi has helped me overcome many past hurts in my primary relationships and other relationships


“Luca Bosurgi has helped me overcome many past hurts in my primary relationships and other relationships. I come from a dysfunctional background, and had been doing inner work and group therapy for about 8 months before seeing Luca Bosurgi. I believe fate led me to Bosurgi and his practice. I had an awareness at the time of things I wanted to change and I was ready for the change. In only 2 weeks time, I began to feel drastic changes in the way I perceived people and myself. Fear was beginning to leave me, and I was feeling like I had a ‘core’–a sense of self that was buried in pain and fear began to emerge. In further sessions, we worked on other issues related to forgiveness and self-confidence. I have done hypnosis before, and I have not seen such drastic personal changes like this until seeing Bosurgi. I highly recommend him.” – Joy Linch Producer  Genbook